SCI Malaysia
SCI in Malaysia
SCI (Service Civil International) Malaysia is a non governmental, non profit, non religious, registered under the Malaysian Society Act, Peace organization consisting of two branches in Penang and Kuala Lumpur. We bring together people of different background and outlook to undertake useful voluntary work for the benefit of the community, aiming to create understanding and mutual respect between individual of all creeds and races so that the concept of violence become less and less acceptable and the degradation of human dignity impossible.

SCI first volunteer Mrs Vera. 1942-2017
By Courtesy of Ingrid, Goska you may recall... she was in our ICM @ KL sharing her experience with us. And we are very glad she did, and she was able to get from her files (manual) all these wonderful records. So here we are ... our official discovery ... the 1st SCI International Volunteer was a sweet young 22 yr old lady teacher from London. She left a very positive impression with Mother Mangalam. They had an extended very personal friendship and relationship. She made another 2 trips to Malaysia to visit PLS and Mother, 1st with her fiance, and after they married a 2nd time. And since then till her demise - they kept very close touch with each other.