SCI Terms & Condition
Service Civil International Penang
Terms and Conditions
The aims and methods of Service Civil International, Penang are:-
(a) To provide opportunities by which volunteers of all Nationalities and Outlook can without regard to national frontiers give practical assistance at times of National Catastrophes and in
other cases of need. Such assistance shall be for the benefit of the community as a whole and shallneither compete with labour nor serve the purpose of strike breaking.
(b) Through the means of practical service in the community to spread across barriers which divides men, a new spirit which will render morally impossible, war between nations and the
degradation of human dignity, and in which spirit of all men and women may live free from
want, ignorance and free of war.
(c) To work for the establishment of International Constructive Service which will foster greater
confidence between nations of the world and eventually replace military service.
(d) In the meantime, in countries in which compulsory Military Service exists, without the possibility of an alternative service to work for the introduction of such a service for conscientious objectors.
(e) To provide men and women of goodwill, without regards to their nationality, race colour, religion, politics or class, with a sound system of training in mutual help and International Understanding and in Voluntary discipline and comradeship.
The functions of the Service Civil International are:-
(a) To organize short term work-camps to fulfil the needs of the local community. These workcamps shall last for a minimum period of three (3) days and shall be up to a maximum of six (6)
(b) Long Term projects. To organize long term projects or Assist such projects instituted by local
organizations, when invited by them to do so.
(c) Long Term Volunteers. To contact the International Secretariat for the placement of long term
volunteers in a institution for a period of one or two years. The institution concerned shall make
a formal application for such volunteers.
(d) To aid the government and local authorities in times of National Disaster.
(e) To establish work-camps to overcome national problems and meet local demands according to circumstances and wherever necessary.
(f) To raise funds for any deserving projects as and when the need arises.